Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My First Baby Steps onto the Working World > 2009

I never really had the chance to express my heartiest appreciation and gratitude to the person who actually got the job for me. It was aunty Lorena, she's a very good friend of my mother and when mother called her to ask if there was a vacancy, she said yeah and without hesitating I sent my CV and all and...

walahhhh....! I got the job!! hahaha though it was just as an Accounts Clerk but its not bad for a fresh-graduate you know :) :) :) So then came the day for the interview...whew! There were 3 of them, the Group Accountant, the HR and ehh... I kinda forgot his post but I remember his name, its Mr Lam ...hahaha sorry Mr Lam, ohh yeah Accounts Executive.. :)

So bla bla, they asked those typical 'tell-us-your background' questions and how did you find your CAT when you were still sitting for them...So i gave them my answers you know, while at the same time, telling myself I gotta be confident and relaxed. I have to admit I was kinda boasting to myself that this was easy and I was gonna ACE the interview..and yeah ACED i did! LOL but thats not good, being over-confident makes you lose track due to the mind being clouded with overpowering nonsense priorities of getting known and popular and soon,would very well bring you down crawling!

Anyway, back to topic (typical of me to stray away from the subject) hehe. So i got the job and it was fun. I was hmmm should I say this, ahh just for the sake of feeling good, I'll just say it, highly relied-upon to do the typical clerical works.. But honestly, at that amount of work i was doing, I can gladly call myself an accounts assistant.

Handling one active company, 4 dormant companies, 3 overseas subsidiaries and not forgetting creditors' reconciliation! PHEW it was hectic, let me tell you , H-E-C-T-I-C! but come to think about it now I could've done better those times hey :)

So for now, the highlights for 2009 was the IRFU rugby that was being held in Kota Kinabalu in October. There were quite number of us chosen as Liaison Officers, and I was teamed up with Pearl, responsible for the Thailand Women team :) :) :) and it was just AWESOME!! here are some of the moments snapped for you to see :

*Ahh mr blogger is being a gay and refused to upload those images...im still waiting as we speak *

BIKIN PANAS indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haihhhh! anyway those pictures are finally uploaded on top ...... tu na, those shots were taken in Stadium Likas, KK

another issue im facing now is I can't view my pictures in my computer in the normal window so those two pictures are the random ones that I chose! hahahaha but let's try if I can upload some more now...............

o.O !! phew ok its kinda troublesome and nerve-wrecking to upload those pictures without looking at them... I supposed the ones on top are enough, pictures of me inside those photos, enough to prove that I was there hey! hahaha..

Now, reeling into >>>>>>>>>>>>>2010!!!




I have to admit I have absconded from blogspotting for far..far and when i say far,it is really far far too long hey.. last post was in 2009 whew...check that out, a good straight 2 years hey :) i guess i just lost interest in blogging for few years and I dont know out of the blue moon, I thought I should get back on the track and start caring and appreciating my poor abondoned site... :)

but WOW, where do I even begin??? There's too many events that I had in those 2 years, the ups and downs, some just came and went like that, some left my heart the deepest trace possible and some I just wish to remember forever..

You know what I'll just break them down year by year,how's that? Then it would be easier to navigate hey, see im making both of our lives easier :P



Friday, February 20, 2009

WOW!!Let me welcom 2009 into this blog of mine...(kesiannya ketinggalan suda dia)

Phew...how am i goin to start ahh?after such a long 'break' i gave to myself in writing here............but still..................aiya,still dunno wat to write..maybe its because the piggyness = laziness syndrome attacking lagi...haih..itu memang biasala tu sama aku..kan kan kan?????
Anyway,some of the big events that u guys sure missed a lot from me is urm...Last December i sat for my CAT exams which is really asking me to dig like 6 inches deep inside my brain to try to come up with solutions alongside the menacingly, tricky questions.....but nevertheless,im still here writing that means...................................
I got through la ba..aiyoyoyo.......itu pun mau pikir lama2....hurm..n then,apa lagi ahh?malas betul aku nie sekarang...oh yeah,pas tu balik la aku d skan da...as we speak nie..pas tu aku hang out la ngan geng2 aku.tapi 1/4 ja yg ada sebab yg lain betempiaran da....
and then,2nd highlight that had happened to me is that...........im GINKROW now!!!yay!ooopzz sory,u guys noe what it is ka??cmon la...i noe ur not that s***i*!kekeke.jokejoke..jan sue aku ya..blum cukup lagi duit ku nie...
Phew...puas hati!Lupa..fyi,that was for getting all 5 passes in my CAT!!!!!!kalau aku la,this is kind of a history for me,all 5 passes taken at 1 sitting????i mean wtf?apa ba aku nie,sot suda.....bukan overreacting lar....tapi memang HAAPPPY gila la ba kan?? anyway guys,this is the end for my entry tonite.gotta go to bed ...tapi sebenarnya mau stuck lagi tu depan kom...kekkee...biar la ba kau spend time ngan baby aku kan???kla nite all :P


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Out LATE LUNCH in Ocean King

That's basically my mum and sist@..Honestly,she looks rather erm...retarded here..(sshhh!!)haha.just kidding~

Dad reaching for the ice cubes and my preparing the 'toyo'..haha

That's dad smiling.Truthfully,it's been ages since we went out like this....

Our mix vege dish...The plate captures my attention rather than the food itself.Haha!

Happy Birthday Jieharn..or rather a belated bday!hehe...sorry for the late post!

Da birthday GURL!!Jane Tan Jieharn...

She's 18 liaoooo....Wooohoooo,NO MORE UNDERAGE!

Ahma feding her with chocolate piece from the cake itself...haha!But this is just acted out.Haha

Finally,the main event,the BIRTHDAY CAKE!hehe..it was coffee cheese cake,if I was not mistaken..Nice right?